Gossip Hollywood : Scarlett Touched By The Troop?s Love

23-year-old actress Scarlett Johansson met over 3,500 men and women serving overseas during her stops at American bases in Kuwait as part of the United Service Organization

Troops from the Persian Gulf were so overjoyed at their visit, that they offered her their clothes as a token of their love.

Servicemen gifted the star with patches torn off their jackets and challenge coins from their military units, with one Marine even offering up a medal adorned with the image of Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.

She says, “Everybody that I met there was so incredibly friendly and polite and genuine and generous. They were so, so sweet. I mean, I was just amazed.”

One star-struck soldier gushed, “You’ve made my whole deployment!”

Scarlett states that this is a visit which she will never forget throughout her life.

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